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Ununennium, Atomic Number 119


Element Uue, 119 Element

We are an informative site about the new chemical element that will be discovered very soon and that has all the scientists thrill. In this website, you will find everything you need to know about Ununennium, as for information, news, facts, among others. Although the element has not been discovered, it is already renowned and well – know in the scientific community who has shown interest in the discovery of these new elements. Its name may change in the future but, for now, everybody knows it as Ununennium or 119.

Ununennium, also known as eka-francium, is an undiscovered element with the symbol Uue and the atomic number 119. In the periodic table of the elements, it is expected to be an s-block element, an alkali metal, and the first element in the eighth period.

Ununennium is predicted to continue the trend and have a valence electron configuration of 8s1. Therefore, its position as the seventh alkali metal advocates that it would have similar properties to the alkaline metals

element-number-119The synthesis of element 119 was attempted in 1985 by bombarding a target of einsteinium-254 with calcium-48 ions at the superHILAC accelerator at Berkeley, California. No atoms were identified, leading to a limiting yield of 300 nb. It is highly unlikely that this reaction will be useful given the extremely difficult task of making sufficient amounts of Es-254 to make a large enough target to increase the sensitivity of the experiment to the required level, due to the rarity of the element, and the extreme rarity of the isotope. Heavier elements would likely be too short-lived to be detected with current technology: they would decay within a microsecond, before reaching the detectors.

Ununennium is expected to be less reactive than cesium and francium and to be closer in behavior to potassium or rubidium, and while it should show the characteristic +1 oxidation state of the alkali metals, it is also predicted to show the +3 oxidation state unknown in any other alkali metal.